Tuesday, September 13, 2016

MDT Windows 10 1607 and WSUS

While we use ConfigMgr for deployments we do use MDT for Build and Capture. Just works better for some reason. Many others recommend it as well. So right down that path for 1607 I went. Something wasn't right though. It would not download updates from the MDT WSUS instance...

The first patch to download is 'Microsoft Silverlight (KB3162593) so I was thinking originally it was an issue with Silverlight so I remove that. It just stops on the next one. Then I thought WSUS so I make sure its all current and KB3159706 is still latest so I'm good there. Since doing our last few B&Cs I did dedup the drive WSUS content is on so I remove that. Still no love. Now I am circling back to 1607 itself since there were no other changes made for MDT.

So on the B&C box I'm looking at WUA logs. Not really seeing anything in there other then update GUIDs and it trying to set auto detect proxy. Hmm. Why is it trying to get out when I have WSUS in the customsettings. Digging around the web I find that Johan Arwidmark mentions that KB3176495 needs to be injected for this issue. makes sense. We do that for some of the rollups to save some WSUS time and of installing some low level patches for NVMe and TPM 2.0 support in Windows 7.

Johan's suggestion doesn't work for me. Same result, stuck at downloading the first update. During August, MS released several cumulatives for 1607 since the Aug 9th one Johan mentions so I try those as well. Maybe its in one of those?

  • KB3176934 (8.23.2016)
  • KB3176938 (8.31.2016)

Nope. Also just because I tried the earlier ones from July which also failed. Also messed with Delivery Optimization that Michael Niehaus was discussing.

Finally I stumble on this post, KB3176936, called 'Servicing stack update for Windows 10 Version 1607: August 23, 2016' It works. The name says it all: "Servicing stack update". I get a patched 1607 system now! So I go back through my above trials with each cumulative. It works with the 8/9/2016 and higher through the 8.31.2016 release. but fails with the 8.2 and July ones.

I add the two into Patches to get injected. Since I use MDT for Windows 7, 8, and now 10, I have sub folders for each OS and arch as well as specific Selection Profiles. Therefore under the Task Sequence under the 'Apply Patches' step it points to the Windows 10 64-Bit folder containing these two KBs.

As the Sept Patch Tuesday is fast approaching, I would assume we will see another Cumulative that may include this Servicing stack update as well. If not then I bet the next one will.

UPDATE: 09.13.2016 - Yes, the Sept Cumulative KB3189866 (14393.187.1.2).has this fix build in as I suspected.
