Friday, January 11, 2019

PxeInstalled (PXE Provider is not installed) error in smsdpprov.log

As my firm got purchased by another I am now starting to collapse the ConfigMgr environment. As it was designed to service 50K endpoints before breaking a sweat, it now manages a couple thousand systems that have not been migrated yet so is way overkill now. As we also use 1E Nomad all we have are the back office roles to contend with. First was to downsize the primary site to remove the multiple MP/DP/SUP and then SUPs on the secondaries. After that, I was to start collapsing the secondaries and converting those hosts to be only DPs. Eventually, this instance will drop to a couple of servers to be kept around for historical use.

So after uninstalling the secondary and cleaning up SQL etc I installed a DP role on it. Once done I started injecting the prestaged content, however I started seeing the following errors in the DP's smsdpprov.log.

 [D28][Thu 01/10/2019 04:06:09]:RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\DP, PxeInstalled  
 [D28][Thu 01/10/2019 04:06:09]:RegReadDWord failed; 0x80070002  
 [D28][Thu 01/10/2019 04:06:09]:PXE provider is not installed.  

PXE was not flagged during install so after double-checking settings I ran off to Google to see what others have around this. All I could find was people saying to live with it. Seemed strange as this was not on other DPs I checked, so I thought I'd try a quick PXE enable then disable on the DP. By quick I mean enable it, come back later and disable once I validated it was installed via smsdpprov.log and distmgr.log. Sure enough, smsdpprov.log only shows 'PXE provider is not installed' occasionally so the problem is fixed.

Now if it will finish hashing the prestaged content so I can update its boundry group so it will serve its purpose and move onto the next one!


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